Who’s got the world’s fastest bike?

A fast-paced event – the UCI Road World Championship in Innsbruck

The World Cycling Championship is a prestigious event which could have no better partner than the premium bike manufacturer Specialized. This cooperation allowed us to present the city of Innsbruck and the region as top locations for cyclists.

25 international sports journalists attended the launch of the new Specialized racing bike “Venge”, thus ensuring far-reaching publicity in the press.

In addition, valuable opt-in data could be generated for further marketing activities.

Our LINKING BRANDS campaign services:

+ Press event focused on the launch – with a bike-test of the Specialized bikes on the racetrack

+ Raffle to win an exclusive trip to the World Cycling Championship in Innsbruck

+ Collecting opt-in data for further marketing activities

+ Advertising Innsbruck as a travel destination via the Specialized communication channels

+ This was already the second time that Specialized partnered with Innsbruck (the first campaign focused on mountain bikes and this one on racing bikes) – the perfect symbiosis